Durational Painting and Installations > Pioneer Works

site specific installation for usaisamonster
site specific installation for usaisamonster
site specific installation for usaisamonster
site specific installation for usaisamonster
Installation view at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn
site specific installation for Ragas Live
Installation view at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn
site specific installation for Ragas Live
Installation view at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn
site specific installation

At Pioneer Works, Brooklyn in 2018 and 2019 I installed durational paintings in collaboration with The Ragas Live Festival in 2018 and 2019, and in 2019 with USAISAMONSTER who were in residency at Pioneer Works in 2019.

From the Pioneer Works website:

"Ragas Live is an epic 24-hour, 24-set festival featuring over 70 world-class musicians.

A celebration of what The New York Times calls “the Raga Renaissance, flowering in Brooklyn,” the event is rooted in the unique time cycle of Indian Classical Music in which specific musical modes are performed at specific times of day. The diverse musical offerings flow between traditional presentations and cross-cultural, genre-blurring collaborations with jazz legends, African virtuosos, minimalist composers, dance troupes, and beyond.

This deep listening experience will be complemented by deep viewing. We welcome the return of artist Nitin Mukul, who has bridged the boundaries of video and painting to arrive at a new format for experiencing a painting as a durational event. His videos, curated hour by hour, match the shifting rasas (essences) of the music."